Effect Of Salinity On Seawater

Effect Of Salinity On Seawater
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The world’s ocean system contains a dynamic thermohaline current system that is responsible for many aspects of our environment. The experiments in this kit have been designed to help visualize the impact solutions of different density have on each other when mixed. Students will measure the salinity of three different water samples representing three major salt water bodies, as well as perform an experiment in which they will observe the flow patterns when different density solutions are mixed.

  • Disciplinary Core Ideas: PS1.A; PS1.B
  • Performance Expectations: MS-PS1-2
  • Cross Cutting Concepts: Structure and Function

  • Includes:
    • 10mL phenolphthalein indicator
    • 15mL 1.0M potassium chromate
    • 400mL 0.1M silver nitrate
    • 200mL 3.0M sodium hydroxide
    • 250mL synthetic Atlantic Ocean water
    • 250mL synthetic Gulf of Mexico water
    • 250mL synthetic Pacific Ocean water

    Items needed, but not included
    15-30x 25mL/50mL burettes
    15-30x 25mL/50mL burettes
    15x 10mL/25mL graduated cylinder
    15x 10mL/25mL graduated cylinder
    15x burette clamp
    15x burette clamp
    15x burette funnel
    15x burette funnel
    15x burette stand
    15x burette stand
    30x 10mL/50mL/100mL beakers
    30x 10mL/50mL/100mL beakers
    Deionized water
    Deionized water
    Permanent marker
    Permanent marker
    15 lab groups
    Teachers manual and Student Study Guide copymasters


    Safety Data Sheet - (IS3705)


    Download (222.12k)