ABO/Rh Blood Typing

ABO/Rh Blood Typing
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Each kit is meant for

A small amount of blood is applied to a series of wells containing lyophilized blood typing antibodies, followed by the addition of a wash buffer that flows across each well. Red blood cells that agglutinate in the presence of a particular antibody will not be rinsed from the sample well and the well will remain red, indicating a positive result. Red blood cells that have not undergone agglutination will be rinsed from the well and the well will revert to white, indicating a negative result. Each card contains a negative control well to ensure accurate results.

  • Disciplinary Core Ideas: PS1.A; PS1.B
  • Performance Expectations: MS-PS1-2
  • Cross Cutting Concepts: Structure and Function

  • Includes:
    • 6mL buffer solution
    • 1x ErycardTM
    • 1x alcohol wipe
    • 1x lancet
    • 4x blood collection sticks

    1 lab group
    Teachers manual and Student Study Guide copymasters


    Safety Data Sheet - (IS3705)


    Download (222.12k)