The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Demonstration

The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Demonstration
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In this demonstration, energy will be produced from combining of hydrogen and oxygen to form water. Platinum will serve as the catalyst and electrodes will be prepared by coating metal mesh with platinum. The hydrogen and oxygen will come from electrolysis. After the cell is set up, a brief current is applied (with a 9-volt battery) causing the formation of hydrogen gas bubbles on one electrode and oxygen gas bubbles on the other. Using a voltmeter, electricity produced by the recombining of hydrogen and oxygen, facilitated by the platinum metal catalyst, can be observed.

  • Disciplinary Core Ideas: PS1.A
  • Performance Expectations: HS-PS1-1; HS-PS1-2
  • Cross Cutting Concepts: Patterns

  • Includes:
    • 15x brass metal mesh squares
    • 2x red connecting wires w/ alligator clips
    • 2x black connecting wires w/ alligator clips
    • D-cell battery holder w/clips
    • 25mL 0.005M chloroplatinic acid
    • 1x glass rod

    Items needed, but not included
    50mL beaker
    D-cell battery
    9-volt battery
    Voltmeter (0-10V) or Multimeter
    Clear tape (optional)
    5 lab groups
    Teachers manual and Student Study Guide copymasters


    Safety Data Sheet - (IS3705)


    Download (222.12k)