Nitrates, Phosphates, & Eutrophication

Nitrates, Phosphates, & Eutrophication
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Understand the importance and value of fresh water and the need to protect and conserve this valuable resource. Realize that a variety of factors, including natural ones, contribute to the overall problem of water pollution. After completing this lab, students should understand the difference between point source and non-point source pollution and understand the role of nitrates and phosphates in the process of eutrophication. They will observe and examine the effects of nitrates, the effects of phosphates, and the effects of a combination of nitrates and phosphates in miniature “ponds.”

  • Disciplinary Core Ideas: PS1.A; PS1.B
  • Performance Expectations: MS-PS1-2; HS-PS1-3
  • Cross Cutting Concepts: Patterns

  • Includes:
    • 50mL nitrate solution
    • 50mL phosphate solution
    • 50mL nitrate/phosphate solution
    • 50mL control solution (deionized water)
    • 60x plastic cups
    • 1x box microscope slides
    • 1x box coverslips

    Items needed, but not included
    Natural water sample (collected locally)
    Aged tap water
    Marking pens
    Microscopes (optional)
    Plastic wrap or similar (optional)
    15 lab groups
    Teachers manual and Student Study Guide copymasters


    Safety Data Sheet - (IS3705)


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